Thursday, September 30, 2010

Assignment Three: A Picture Worth a Thousand Words


  1. I see a sympathetic guy (not enough to put his drink down) holding a girls hair back while she throws up in a toilet. It looks like they were at a party by the clothing and accessories they are both wearing. They way he is holding her hair- very sure and confident- seems like he knows her and it is not a random act of "kindness" .

  2. Well, the first thing I think when I see this is - staged. Is it? Then I see what might be stuff in the toilet and think, it could be real. ew. I see a guy at a party helping his girlfriend out by holding her hair while she pukes, sweet. He doesn't look too excited about it. I really love his expression and the way the light falls on his face. I like the kind of harsh lighting- good for the situation. I don't know why, but the colorful thing hanging on the door (a lei?) is really distracting to me.

  3. The red cup and the mardi gras beads namely scream that they are at a party and the girl over the toilet has drank too much. I took a particular focus on how neatly he is holding up her hair. Nothing seems too out of control in the picture and within the figures to suggest they are at a party and that she needs to be throwing up. It's a great composition.

  4. The red cup is an indication that this is a situation brought on from the girl drinking too much. From the red cup to the mardi gras beads it feels like a scene during a party, and not really the aftermath of one. I feel that this could be read as Kyle doing something sweet for the girl, taking care of her while she is throwing up but if you look at his expression there's a look of either disgust or annoyance. Although the annoyance could come from being photographed in that situation. The fact that he didn't put his cup down while he's helping her is a sign that makes me assume he would want to be anywhere else.

  5. The event takes place at presumably a college apartment, probably a party due to the symbolism of the all mighty red cup. The girl has obviously had a few too many and is paying the consequences. The guy seems like he is being nice by holding her hair but his gaze is targeted outside of the bathroom door as he probably would rather be partying than holding this girl's hair.

  6. This image makes me feel like we have walked in and intruded something that was not supposed to be seen. The guy is seems like a good friend by holding back the girls hair but at the same time his mind is obviously elsewhere. I mean this is not really the best place to be at a party and I feel like his expression clearly shows that.

  7. This is an awesome photograph capturing many many words. This scene is quite typical of any college party night/scene. The guy and girl seem as though they both at the very least know each other, if not have a closer relationship/friendship because of their postures and how they interact in the space. The girl is more or less in between the guy's legs and the way her hair is intertiwned in his fingers suggests that not only has the guy done this before (with other people?) but that there is an element of familiarity between the two. The composition in this photo is excellent, the diagonal angle leads from the striking face and expession of the guy but doesn't leave out the hunched form of the girl over the toilet. The lighting works so perfectly in this situation, very paparazzi like in the way that it does make you feel as though you have intruded on something that you shouldn't have during a Saturday party night having had one too many a drink.

  8. This photo is succinct. There's nothing distracting about it, no elements more interesting than the subjects. Everything needed to understand the story is easily identified. Composition, lighting and exposure seem to be all well thought out, even if it was taken at a party late at night.

  9. This is a common experience and I'm sure many of us college kids can relate (to being the hair-holder, that is). The scene I see is that you're with your friend/girlfriend/whatever and she just goes a little overboard on the shots of Tequila. Next thing you know, you're spending the night being the nice guy and holding this girl's hair back who has immersed herself in a self-inflicted temporary illness. This photograph shows their good level of friendship along with anticipation to be back in the life of the party (red cup still in-hand says it).
