I was very struck by Graciela Iturbide's image of the man holding the mirrors. She chose a very centered subject, which is an unusual composition in photography, but when executed properly really emphasizes the subject. Along with this strong vertical of the man's frame, we have the more subtle diagonals of the building tops to add interest to the image. The soft transition of tones of the photograph sing to the viewer. The print quality is superb. Her choice of black and white for this image and her others, helps to prevent distracting colors interfering with the overall unity of the image.
Graciela Iturbide's images show aspects of everyday life in Mexico and focus on culture, religion, and as Cass calls it "magic realism." I can see that in this image. It looks like a normal moment in life and yet has a surreal quality to it. I'm not sure why the artist created this specific work. It comes off as being in the right spot at the right moment to me. Perfectly executed. Documentary photography at it's finest.
I've learned that having a camera nearby is the best way to get the shots you want, because you never know when that perfect moment will happen. I've also learned that aesthetics are a huge factor.